— About us

We support you as you advance your digital health career and business development

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Our Mission

Empowering professionals and entrepreneurs with cutting-edge insights for a deeper understanding of the digital healthcare ecosystem.

We are Driven by Our Values

Empowerment Through Knowledge
& Education

Adaptability & Innovation

Quality & Excellence

Integrity & Trustworthiness

Who we are

Founded in 2023 in Switzerland, we are a media, education, and training company specializing in digital health with a particular focus on regulatory affairs.

What we do

We offer a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service platform — the bluewalk PlatformTM — that enables healthcare professionals to get intuitive, robust, and actionable resources about regulatory affairs and market access in digital health. Through engaging online courses and content, we simplify complex concepts into actionable insights, all consolidated within a single centralized digital health knowledge hub.

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Our Operational Principles


Prioritize the needs and experiences of the customers in every aspect of your operations.

Innovation and Continuous Improvement

Foster a culture of innovation and continual enhancement of products, services, and internal processes.

Quality and Compliance

Maintain the highest standards of quality in your products and services while ensuring full compliance with relevant industry regulations and standards.

Efficiency and Sustainability

Operate in a manner that maximizes resource efficiency and minimizes waste, ensuring sustainable practices both environmentally and economically.

Collaboration and Teamwork

Promote a collaborative working environment where teamwork is encouraged, and knowledge is shared freely among team members.

Transparency and Accountability

Operate with a high level of transparency in business practices, decision-making processes, and communications, both internally and externally.
— Our team

Our qualified team is always ready to help you

Flavio Angei


Flavio Angei, MSc, RAC, is a distinguished regulatory leader in digital health, with over 10 years of experience in the life sciences industry. His expertise uniquely intersects medical biology, digital technology, and regulatory affairs, contributing significantly to various roles and companies within the medtech value chain.

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